Иконология и герменевтика архитектуры

Иконология и герменевтика архитектуры

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817. Benton, Janetta Rebold. Holy Terrors: Gargoyles on Medieval Buildings. New York, 1997.

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820. Evers, Hans Gerhard. Tod, Macht und Raum als Bereiche der Architektur [1938]. Paderborn, 1970.

821. Harbison, Robert. Te Built, the Unbuilt and the Unbuildable: In Pursuit of Architectural Meaning. London, 2001.

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823. Hersey, George L. Te Lost Meaning of Classical Architecture: Speculations on Ornament from Vitruvius to Venturi. Cambridge (Mas.), 1988.

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826. Lavine, Lance. Mechanics and Meaning in Architecture. Minneapolis, 2001.

827. MacDonald, William L. Te Pantheon: Design, Meaning, and Progeny. Harward, 2002.

828. Mathews, Tomas F. Art and Architecture in Byzantium and Armenia: Liturgical and Exegetical Approaches. London, 1995.

829. Mugerauer, Robert. Interpreting Environments: Tradition, Deconstruction, Hermeneutics. Houston, 1995.

830. Norberg-Schulz, Chr. Existence. Space. Architecture. London, 1971.

831. Portoghesi, Paolo. Nature and Architecture. Milano, 2000.

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834. Sutter, Heribert. Form und Ikonologie spanischer Zentralbauten: Torres del Rio, Segovia, Eunate. Weimar, 1997.

835. Vidler, Anthony. Te Architectural Uncanny: Essays in the Modern Unhomely. Cambridge (Mas.), 1992.

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