Богословие архитектуры (архитектура и мистика)
Богословие архитектуры (архитектура и мистика)
743. Bayard, Jean-Pierre. La Tradition cach?e des cath?drales: Du symbolisme m?di?val ? la r?alisation architecturale. Paris, 1999.
744. Boyer, Louis. Liturgy and Architecture. Chicago, 1967.
745. Boyer, Mark G. Te Liturgical Environment: What the Documents Say. Collegeville, 2004.
746. Brandon, S. G. F. Man and God in Art and Ritual: A Study of Iconography, Architecture and Ritual Action as Primary Evidence of Religious Belief and Practice. New York, 1975.
747. Buscemi, John. Places for Devotion. Chicago, 1993.
748. Coombs, Robert. Mystical Temes in Le Corbusier’s Architecture in the Chapel Notre Dame Du Haut at Ronchamp. Te Ronchamp Riddle. New York, 2000.
749. Congar, Ives M.-J., O.P. Te Mystery of the Temple or the Manner of God’s Presence to His Creatures from Genesis to the Apocalypse [Paris, 1958]. London, 1962.
750. De Sanctis, Michael E. Renewing the City of God. Chicago, 1993.
751. De Sanctis, Michael E. and Trautman, Donald W. Building from Belief: Advance, Retreat, and Compromise in the Remaking of Catholic Church Architecture. Collegevil (Min.), 2002.
752. Hale, Jonathan. Te Old Way of Seeing: How Architecture Lost Its Magic (and How to Get It Back). Boston, 1994.
753. Hall, Edward T. Te Hidden Dimension. New York, 1990.
754. Hammond, Peter. Liturgy and architecture. New York, 1961.
755. Homan, Roger Aldershot. Te Art of the Sublime-Principles of Christian Art and Architecture. London, 2006.
756. Huysmans, Joris-Karl. Te Cathedral. New York, 1997.
757. Jacobsen, Werner. Altarraum und Heiligengrab als liturgisches Konzept in der Auseinandersetzung des Nordens mit Rom // N. Bock u.a. (Hg.). Kunst und Liturgie im Mittelalter (Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana 33, 1999/ 2000, Beihef).
758. Kieckhefer, Richard. Teology in Stone: Church Architecture from Byzantium to Berkeley. New York, 2004.
759. Klein, Peter K. Der mittelalterliche Kreuzgang. Architektur, Funktion und Programm. Regensburg, 2003.
760. Kohlschein, Franz und W?nsche, Peter. Heiliger Raum. Architektur, Kunst und Liturgie in mittelalterlichen Kathedralen und Stifskirchen. M?nster, 1998.
761. Kosch, Clemens. K?lns Romanische Kirchen. Architektur und Liturgie im Hochmittelalter. Regensburg, 2005.
762. Kosch, Clemens. Paderborns mittelalterliche Kirchen. Architektur und Liturgie um 1300. Regensburg, 2006.
763. Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture; Settings and Rituals. New York, 1985.
764. K?nzel, Anja. Kirche bauen – Gemeinde bilden. Zur Beziehung von Architektur, Kunst und Liturgie im Leben katholischer Pfarrgemeinden. Hamburg, 1996.
765. Lara, Jaime. City, Temple, Stage: Eschatalogical Architecture and Liturgical Teatrics in New Spain. Chicago, 2004.
766. Lathrop, Gordon W. Holy Ground: A Liturgical Cosmology. Minniapolis, 2003.
767. Lathrop, Gordon W. Holy People: A Liturgical Ecclesiology. Minniapolis, 2006.
768. Lathrop, Gordon W. Holy Tings: A Liturgical Teology. Minneapolis, 1995.
769. Lethaby, W.R. Architecture and Mysticism. London, 1961.
770. Moraht-Fromm, Anna. Kunst und Liturgie. Ostfldern, 2003.
771. Martin, Gerhard M. Neues und altes Jerusalem. M?nster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London, 2004.
772. Martin, Gerhard M. Predigt und Liturgie ?sthetisch. Wahrnehmung – Kunst – Lebenskunst. Stuttgart, 2003.
773. Norman, Edward. Te House of God: Church Architecture, Style and History. London, 2005.
774. Rambusch, Viggo Bech. Lighting the Liturgy. Chicago, 1994.
775. Roberts, Nicholas W. Building Type Basics for Places of Worship. New York, 2004.
776. Rose, Michael S. In Tiers of Glory: Te Organic Development of Catholic Church Architecture Trough the Ages. Cincinati, 2004.
777. Rose, Michael S. Ugly as Sin: Why Tey Changed Our Churches from Sacred Places to Meeting Spaces and How We Can Change Tem Back Again. Manchester, 2001.
778. Schloeder, Steven J. Architecture in Communion: Implementing the Second Vatican Council through Liturgy and Architecture. New York, 1998.
779. Schneider, Alfons Maria. Liturgie und Kirchenbau in Syrien. G?ttingen, 1949.
780. Seasoltz, R. Kevin. A Sense of the Sacred: Teological Foundations of Christian Architecture and Art. London-New York, 2005.
781. Smith, Peter E. Cherubim of Gold: Building Materials & Aesthetics. Chicago, 1993.
782. Stock, Alex. Zwischen Tempel und Museum. Teologische Kunstkritik. Positionen der Moderne. Padeborn, 1997.
783. Stroik, Christopher V. Path, Portal, Path: Architecture for the Rites. Chicago, 1999.
784. Taylor, Mark C. Disfguring: Art, Architecture, Religion. Chicago, 1994.
785. Vosko, Richard. Designing Worship Spaces: Te Mystery of a Common Vision. Chicago, 1996.
786. Vosko, Richard. God’s House Is Our House: Re-imagining the Environment for Worship. Collegevill, 2006.
787. White, James F.; White, Susan J. Church Architecture: Building and Renovating for Christian Workshop. Nashwille, 1988.
788. Wipfer, Esther P. «Corpus Christi» in Liturgie und Kunst der Zisterzienser im Mittelalter. M?nster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wien-London, 2003.
789. Карпушин И.И. Философия христианского зодчества. М., 2005.
790. Настольная книга священнослужителя. Т. 4. М., 1983 (часть 1: «Православный храм, богослужебная утварь и одеяния духовенства»).
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