Архитектура и словесность (риторика, поэтика, текст)
Архитектура и словесность (риторика, поэтика, текст)
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629. Antoniades, Anthony C. Epic Space: Towards the Roots of Western Architecture. New York, 1992.
630. Arnulf, Arwed. Architektur– und Kunstbeschreibungen von der Antike bis zum 16. Jahrhundert. M?nchen, 2004.
631. Behnisch, Stefan; Hines, Gerald. Poetry, Property and Place. New York, 2006.
632. Binding, G?nther; Linscheid-Burdich, Susanne, Wippermann, Julia. Planen und Bauen im fr?hen und hohen Mittelalter nach den Schrifquellen bis 1250. Darmstadt, 2002.
633. Bloomer, Jennifer. Architecture and the Text: Te (S)crypts of Joyce and Piranesi. New Haven, 1993.
634. Boland, Margaret M. Architectural Structure in the Lais of Marie De France. New York, 1995.
635. Castagno, Paul C. Teatrical Spaces and Dramatic Places: Te Reemergence of the Teatre Building in the Renaissance. Tuscaloosa, 1996.
636. Cowling, David. Building the Text: Architecture as Metaphor in Late Medieval and Early Modern France. Oxford – New York, 1998.
637. Eriksen, Roy. Te Building in the Text: From Alberti to Shakespeare and Milton. Philadelphia, 2001.
638. Frank, Ellen Eve. Literary Architecture: Essays towards a Tradition. Los Angeles, 1980.
639. Frampton, Kenneth; Cava, John. Studies in Tectonic Culture: the Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 2001.
640. Fr?he, Ursula; von Lang, Peter. Das Paradies ein Garten – der Garten ein Paradies. Studien zur Literatur des Mittelalters unter Ber?cksichtigung der bildenden Kunst und Architektur. M?nchen, 2002.
641. Gilbert, Katharine. Aesthetic Studies: Architecture and Poetry. New York, 1988.
642. Hersey, George L. Architecture, Poetry and Number in the Royal Palace at Caserta. Cambridge (Mas.), 1983.
643. Johnson, Anthony W. Ben Jonson: Poetry and Architecture. Oxford – New York, 1993.
644. Kahn, Andrea. Drawing, Building, Text: Essays in Architectural Teory. Princeton, 1996.
645. Lichtenberg, H., Die Architekturdarstellungen in der mittelhochdeutschen Dichtung, M?nster 1931.
646. Low, Anthony. Love‘s Architecture: Devotional Modes in Seventeenth Century English Poetry. New York, 1978.
647. Lowe, David; Sharp, Simon. Goethe and Palladio: Goethe’s Study of the Relationship between Art and Nature, Leading Trough Architecture to the Discovery of the Metamorphosis of Plants. Herndon, 2006.
648. Neubauer, Edith; Vanovitch, Katherirne. Art and Literature in Old Russia: Architecture, Icons, Poetry. New York, 1993.
649. Pfsterer, Ulrich; Seidel, Max. Visuelle Topoi. M?nchen, 2003.
650. Patterson, Richard. Te Tragic in Architecture. London, 2000.
651. Ruskin, John. Te Poetry of Architecture Or the Architecture of the Nations of Europe Considered in Its Association with Natural Scenery and National Character. Washington, 1972.
652. Schaik van, Leon. Poetics in Architecture. London, 2002.
653. Sedlmayr, H., Die dichterische Wurzel der Kathedrale // Mitteilungen des ?sterreichischen Instituts f?r Geschichtsforschung, 14, 1939.
654. Tiel, Roger. Anarchitektur: Lekt?ren zur Architektur-Kritik bei Franz Kafa. Berlin, 2007.
655. Tomas, Charles F. and Tomas, Charles Flint. Art and Architecture in the Poetry of Robert Browning: Vol. 1-2. Troy (NY), 1996.
656. Tostrup, Elisabeth. Architecture and Rhetoric: Text and Design in Architectural Competitions, Oslo 1939-1996. Oslo, 1999.
657. Troupe, Quincy. Te Architecture of Language. Minneapolis, 2006.
658. Wolfreys, Julian. Writing London: Te Trace of the Urban Text from Blake to Dickens. New York, 1998.
659. Vandenbroek, Goldian. Gothic High: Meditations on the Construction of Gothic Cathedrals. Herndon, 1993.
660. Алленов М.М. Архитектура в «Камне» Мандельштама // Его же. Тексты о текстах. М., 2003, с. 210-270.
661. Алленов М.М. Пашков дом в Москве: В. Баженов, А. Иванов, В. Суриков, М. Булгаков – диалоги на фоне Кремля // Там же, с. 302-352.
662. Раппапорт А.Г. Место поэтики в развитии архитектурно-теоретических знаний // Декоративное искусство СССР, 1985, № 4.
663. Таруашвили Л.И. Тектоника визуального образа в поэзии античности и христианской Европы: к вопросу о культурно-исторических предпосылках ордерного зодчества. М., 1998.
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