Архитектура и мораль

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Архитектура и мораль

664. Botta, Mario. Ethique du b?ti. Marseille, 2005.

665. Cacciari, Massimo; Lombardo, Patrizia, Sartarelli, Stephen. Architecture and Nihilism: On the Philosophy of Modern Architecture. New Haven – London, 1995.

666. Dunne, John. Te City of the Gods: A Study in Myth and Morality. New York – Waschington, 1974.

667. Fox, Warwick. Ethics and the Built Environment. New York, 2000.

668. Harries, Karsten. Te Ethical Function of Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1998.

669. Lincourt, Michel. In Search of Elegance: Towards an Architecture of Satisfaction. Toronto, 1999.

670. Mayerovitch, Harry. How Architecture Speaks: Te Buildings We Make and the Lives We Lead. Toronto, 1996.

671. Perez-Gomez, Alberto and Pelletier, Louise. Architecture, Ethics and Technology. Toronto, 1994.

672. Perez-Gomez, Alberto. Built Upon Love: Architectural Longing afer Ethics and Aesthetics. Cambridge (Mas.), 2006.

673. Ray, Nicholas. Architecture and Its Ethical Dilemmas. London, 2005.

674. Spector, Tom. Te Ethical Architect: Te Dilemma of Contemporary Practice. Princeton, 2001.

675. Stephenson, David. Visions of Heaven: Te Dome in European Architecture. New York, 2005.

676. Wassermann, Barry Sullivan; Palermo, Gregory. Ethics and the Practice of Architecture. New York, 2000.

677. Watkin, David. Morality and Architecture Revisited. Chicago, 2001.

678. Добрицына И.А. Некоторые этические проблемы средоформирования // Архитектура и культура. Сборник научных трудов под ред. И.А. Азизян и Н.Л. Адаскиной. М., 1991. С. 72-81.

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