Архитектура, геометрия и нумерология

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Архитектура, геометрия и нумерология

345. Blackwell, William. Geometry in Architecture. Emeryville (Са), 1984.

346. Bloomer, Kent. Nature of Ornament: Rhythm and Metamorphosis in Architecture. New York, 2000.

347. Evans, Robin. Te Projective Cast: Architecture and Its Tree Geometries. Cambridge (Mas.), 1995.

348. Hautecoeur, Louis. Mystique et architecture: symbolisme du cercle et de la coupule. Paris, 1954.

349. Hecht, Konrad. Mass und Zahl in der gotischen Baukunst [1970]. Hildesheim, 1997.

350. Hersey, George L. Architecture, Poetry, and Number in the Royal Palace at Caserta. Cambridge (Mas.), 1983.

351. Hersey, George L. Architecture and Geometry in the Age of the Baroque. Chicago, 2001.

352. Kappraf, Jay. Connections: Te Geometric Bridge between Art and Science. London – New York, 2001.

353. Karatani, Kojin. Architecture as Metaphor: Language, Number, Money. Cambridge (Mas.), 1995.

354. Koetsier, Teun and Bergmans, Luc. Mathematics and the Divine: A Historical Study. New York, 2004.

355. Leyton, Michael. Shape as Memory: A Geometric Teory of Architecture. Basel, 2004.

356. March, Lionel, Wittkower, Rudolf. Architectectonics of Humanism: Essays on Number in Architecture. New York, 1998.

357. Pennick, Nigel. Sacred Geometry: Symbolism and Purpose in Religious Structures. New York, 1982.

358. Smith, Peter. Architecture and the Principle of Harmony. London, 1987.

359. Strachan, Gordon. Chartres: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space. Edinburgh, 2003.

360. Visser, Margaret. Te Geometry of Love: Space, Time, Mystery and Meaning in an Ordinary Church. Berkeley (Ca), 2001.

361. Боков А.В. Геометрические основания архитектуры и картина мира. М., 1995.

362. Комеч А. И. Символика архитектурных форм в раннем христианстве // Искусство Западной Европы и Византии. М., 1978.

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