Теория архитектуры в целом

Теория архитектуры в целом

69. Abercrombie, Stanley. Architecture as Art: an Esthetic Analysis. New York, 1986.

70. Ackerman, James S. Origins, Imitation, Conventions: Representation in the Visual Arts. Chicago, 2002.

71. Alexander, Christopher. Te Phenomenon of Life: Nature of Order. An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe, Vol. 1. Toronto, 2004.

72. Ballantyne, Andrew. Architecture Teory: A Reader in Philosophy and Culture. New York – London, 2005.

73. Benjamin, Andrew. Architectural Philosophy: Repetition, Function and Alterity. New York – London, 2000.

74. Beno?t Goetz. La Dislocation. Architecture et philosophie. Paris, 2001.

75. Brinette, P. ; Wills D. (eds.). Deconstruction and the Visual Arts: Art, Media, Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1994.

76. Bruyn de, Gerd, Truby, Stephan. Architektur_theorie.doc. Texte seit 1960. Basel – Boston – Berlin, 2003.

77. Capon, Smith David. Architectural Teory. Vol. 1: Te Vitruvian Fallacy: A History of the Categories in Architecture and Philosophy; Vol.2: Le Corbusier’s Legacy – Principles of 20th Century Architectural Teory by Category. New York, 1999.

78. Choay, Francoise. Rule and the Model. Cambridge – London., 1997.

79. Colin St. John Wilson and Roger Stonehouse. Architectural Refections: Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of Architecture. Manchester, 2000.

80. Collins, Peter. Architectural Judgement. Toronto, 1971.

81. Cook, Peter Bettella, Andrea (Ed). Te Paradox of Contemporary Architecture: the Lowe Lectures. London, 2003.

82. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anybody. Cambridge (Mas.), 1997.

83. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anyhow. Cambridge (Mas.), 1998.

84. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anymore. Cambridge (Mas.), 2000.

85. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anyplace. Cambridge (Mas.), 1995.

86. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anytime. Cambridge (Mas.), 1999.

87. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anything, Cambridge (Mas.), 2001.

88. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anyway. New York, 1994.

89. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anywhere. New York, 1993.

90. Davidson, Cynthia (ed.). Anywise. Cambridge (Mas.), 1996.

91. Diani, Marco (Ed.); Ingraham, Catherine A. (Ed.). Restructuring Architectural Teory. Evanson (Ill.), 1989.

92. Dripps, R. D. Te First House Myth. Paradigm and the Task of Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1999.

93. Evans, Robin. Translations from Drawing to Building and Other Essays. Princeton, 1996.

94. Foster, Michael (ed.). Architecture. Style, Structure and Design. London, 1982.

95. Gelerntner, Mark. Sources of Architectural Form: a Critical History of Western Design Teory. Manchester, 1995.

96. Gidion, Sigfried. Space, Time and Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1941 (сокр. русск. пер.: М., 1975).

97. Gins, Madeline, «Arakawa». Architectural Body. Tuscaloosa (Alabama), 2002.

98. Gregotti, Vittorio. Inside Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1996.

99. Hubbard, William Jr. Teory for Practice Architecture in Tree Discourses. Cambridge (Mas.), 1996.

100. Harbison, Robert. Tirteen Ways: Teoretical Investigations in Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1997.

101. Hearn, Fil. Ideas Tat Shaped Buildings. Cambridge (Mas.), 2003.

102. Heynen, Hilde. Architecture and Modernity: a Critique. Cambridge (Mas.), 1993.

103. Hill, Richard. Designs and Teir Consequences: Architecture and Aesthetics. New Haven – London, 1999.

104. Ingraham, Catherine. Architecture and the Burdens of Linearity. New Haven-London, 1998.

105. Ingraham, Catherine. Architecture, Animal, Human: Te Asymmetrical Condition. London, 2005.

106. Jencks, Charles and Karl Kropf (eds.). Teories and Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture. New York, 1997.

107. Johnson, Paul-Alan. Te Teory of Architecture: Concepts, Temes and Practices. New York, 1994.

108. Jonathan Hill (ed.). Architecture: Te Subject Is Matter. London, 2000.

109. Jormakka, Kari. Heimlich Man?uvers. Ritual in Architectural Form. Weimar, 1995.

110. Krier, Leon. Architecture: Choice Or Fate. London, 1998.

111. Kwinter, Sanford. Architectures of Time: Toward a Teory of the Event in Modernist Culture. Cambridge (Mas.), 2002.

112. Leach, Neil. Te Anaesthetics of Architecture. Chicago, 2000.

113. Lynch, Kevin. What Time is Tis Place? Cambridge (Mas.), 1972.

114. Mitchell William J. Te Logic of Architecture: Design, Computation, and Cognition. Cambridge (Mas.), 1990.

115. Noever, Peter (ed.). Architecture in Transition: Between Deconstruction and New Modernism. M?nchen, 1991.

116. Pevsner, Nikolaus, Richards, J.M. and Sharp, Dennis. Anti-rationalists and the Rationalists [1972, 1978]. Oxford, 2000.

117. Pahl, Jurgen. Architekturtheorie des 20. Jahrhunderts: Zeit-R?ume. M?nchen; 1999.

118. Papadakis, Andreas. Te End of Innovation in Architecture. London, 1998.

119. Perelmann, Marc. Construction du corps. Fabrique de l’architecture Figures, histoire, spectacle. Paris, 1994.

120. Perez-Gomez, Alberto. Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science. New York, 1985.

121. Pevsner, Nikolaus. Sources of Modern Architecture and Design. London, 1968.

122. Picon, Antoine; Ponte, Alessandra (eds.). Architecture and the Sciences: Exchanging Metaphors. Princeton, 2003.

123. Piotrowski, Andrzej and Robinson, Julia Williams. Te Discipline of Architecture. Minneapolis, 2001.

124. Rudofsky, Bernard. Architecture without Architects: a Short Introduction to Non-Pedigreed Architecture. Albuquerque, 2001.

125. Rybczynski, Witold. Te Look of Architecture. New York, 2003.

126. Saarinen, E. Te Search for Form in Art and Architecture [1950]. New York, 1985.

127. Sauter, Florian, Mateo, Josep Lluis (Eds.). Natural Metaphor. An Antology of Essays on Architecture and Nature. Barcelona – New York. 2007.

128. Schafer, Debra. Te Order of Ornament. Te Structure of Style: Teoretical Foundations of Modern Art and Architecture. Cambridge, 2003.

129. Scruton, Roger. Te Aesthetics of Architecture. Princeton, 1996.

130. Siegel, Kurt. Strukturformen der modernen Architektur. Stuttgart, 1960 (русск. пер.: М., 1963).

131. Stansfeld-Smith, Colin, Conway, Hazel, and Roenisch, Rowan. Understanding Architecture: An Introduction to Architecture and Architectural History. London, 1994.

132. Teymur, Necdet. Re-architecture: Temes and Variations. Liverpool, 2002.

133. Transparences. Sous la direction de Pascale Dubus, Ma?tre de conferences ? l’Universit? Paris I. Textes de Maurice Brock, Claude Frontisi, Jean-Pierre Gref, Michel Makarius, Tierry Paquot, Marc Perelman, Emmanuel Saulnier et Anca Vasiliu. Paris, 1998.

134. Tschumi, Bernard. Architecture and Disjunction. Cambridge (Mas.), London., 1996.

135. Unwin, Simon. Analysing Architecture. London, 1997.

136. Venturi, Robert. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture [1966]. New York, 1977.

137. Watkin, David. Te Rise of Architectural History. London, 1980.

138. Wigley, Mark. Architecture of Deconstruction: Derrida’s Haunt. Cambridge (Mas.), 1995.

139. Zumthor, Peter. Tinking Architecture. Basel, 2006.

140. Азизян И.А., Добрицына И.А., Лебедева Г.С. Теория композиции как поэтика архитектуры. М., 2002.

141. Габричевский А.Г. Морфология искусства. М., 2002.

142. Некрасов А.И. Теория архитектуры [1945-1946]. М., 1994.

143. Раппапорт А.Г., Сомов Г.Ю. Форма в архитектуре. Проблемы теории и методологии. М., 1990.

144. Ревзин Г. И. Очерки по философии архитектурной формы. М., 2002.

145. Соболев Н.А. Общая теория изображений. М., 2004.

146. Таруашвили Л.И. Эстетика архитектурного ордера от Витрувия до Катрмера де Кенси. М., 1995.

147. Теория архитектуры. Сборник научных трудов под ред. И.А. Азизян. М., 1988.

148. Шевелев И.М. Логика архитектурной гармонии. М., 1973.

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