Антропология и психология архитектуры

Антропология и психология архитектуры

891. Agrest, Diana; Conway, Patricia; Kanes Weisman, Leslie (Eds.). Te Sex of Architecture. New York, 1996.

892. Akin, O. Psychology of Architectural Design. London, 1989.

893. Arnheim, Rudolf. Te Dynamics of Architectural Form. Los Angeles, 1978 (русcк. пер.: М., 1994).

894. Bastea, Eleni. Memory and Architecture. Santa Fe, 2004.

895. Bloomer, Kent C., Moore, Charles W. Body, Memory and Architecture. New Haven – London, 1977.

896. Brawne, Michael. Architectural Tought: Te Design Process and the Expectant Eye. Oxford – Burlington, 2003.

897. Brebner, J. Environmental Psychology in Building Design. New York, 1982.

898. Brzoska, M. Anthropomorphe Aufassung des Geb?udes und seiner Teile. Jena, 1931.

899. Burgin, Victor. In Diferent Spaces: Place and Memory in Visual Culture. Los Angeles, 1996.

900. Canter, D. (Ed.). Architectural Psychology. Strathclyde, 1969.

901. Canter, D. Te Psychology of Place. London, 1977.

902. Day, Christopher. Places of the Soul: Architecture and Environmental Design as a Healing Art. Oxford-Burlington. 1994 (русск. пер.: М., 1995).

903. Dodds, George; Tavernor, Robert, Mr. (Eds). Body and Building: Essays on the Changing Relation of Body and Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 2002.

904. Frascari, Marco. Monsters of Architecture: Anthropomorphism in Architectural Teory. London, 1991.

905. Geiger, Annette; Hennecke, Stefanie; Kempf, Christin (Hrsg.). Imagin?re Architekturen. Raum und Stadt als Vorstellung. Berlin, 2005.

906. Ganz, David. Barocke Bilderbauten. Erz?hlung, Illusion und Institution in r?mischen Kirchen, 1580-1700. Petersberg, 2003.

907. Hendrix, John Shannon. Architecture and Psychoanalysis. New York, 2006.

908. Hesselgren, S. On Architecture: An Architectural Teory Based on Extensive Psychological Research. London, 1989.

909. Hildebrand, Grant. Origins of Architectural Pleasure. Los Angeles, 1999.

910. Hill, Jonathan. Actions in Architecture: Architects and Creative Users. New York, 2003.

911. Homann, Annette. Spielr?ume des Glaubens: Anthropomorphismus in der Architekturtheorie und die Umwandlung von St. Maximin in Trier. Berlin, 2005.

912. Krell, David Farrell. Architecture: Ecstasies of Space, Time and the Human Body. New York, 1997.

913. Lavin, Sylvia. Form Follows Libido. Architecture and Richard Neutra in a Psychoanalytic Culture. Cambridge (Mas.), 2007.

914. Lym, Glenn Robert. A Psychology of Building: How We Shape and Experience Our Structured Spaces. New York, 1980.

915. Marc, Olivier. Psychology of the House. London, 1977.

916. Meisenheimer, Wolfgang. Das Denken des Leibes und der architektonische Raum. K?ln, 2004.

917. Melhuish, Clare. Architecture and Anthropology. London, 1996.

918. Negroponte, Nicholas. Te Architecture Machine: Towards a More Human Environment. Cambridge (Mas.), 1970.

919. Perez-Gomez, Alberto. Polyphilo, or Te Dark Forest Revisited: An Erotic Epiphany of Architecture. Cambridge (Mas.), 1992.

920. Pile, Steve. Te Body and the City: Psychoanalysis, Space and Subjectivity. New York, 1996.

921. Quantrill, Malcolm. Environmental Memory. New York, 1988.

922. Papadakis, Alexandra; Papadakis, Andreas. Sensations: Making Sense of Architecture. London, 2005.

923. Sedlmayr, Hans. Die Architektur Borromini’s. Berlin, 1930. M?nchen, 19392, 19733 (фрагменты в русск. пер. – История архитектуры в избранных отрывках. М., 1935. С. 298-338).

924. Sennett, Richard. La Chair et la Pierre. Le corps et la ville dans la civilisation occidentale. Paris, 2002.

925. Smith, Peter. Architecture and the Human Dimension. Westfeld (NY), 1979.

926. Stamps, Arthur E. Psychology and the Aesthetics of the Built Environment. Norwell (Mas.), 2000.

927. Tiis-Evensen, Tomas. Archetypes in Architecture. Oslo, 1987.

928. Vidler, Anthony. Warped Space: Art, Architecture, and Anxiety in Modern Culture. Cambridge (Mas.), 2000.

929. Weber, Ralf. On the Aesthetics of Architecture: A Psychological Approach to the Structure and the Order of Perceived Architectural Spaces and Forms. London, 1995.

930. Wilson, Forrest. Te Joy of Building: Restoring the Connection between Architect and Builder. New York, 1979.

931. W?lfin, Heinrich. Prolegomena zu einer Psychologie der Architektur. [Basel, 1946], Berlin, 1999.

932. Worringer, Wilhelm. Formprobleme der Gotik. M?nchen, 1912.

933. Zug, Beatrix. Die Anthropologie des Raumes in der Architekturtheorie des fr?hen 20. Jahrhunderts. T?bingen, 2007.

934. Глазычев В.Л. Образы пространства // Творческий процесс и художественное восприятие. М., 1978.

935. Забельшанский Гр. Б., Минервин, Г. Б., Раппапорт, А. Г., Сомов, Г. Ю. Архитектура и эмоциональный мир человека. М., 1985.

936. Каганов Г.З. Страх и радость как средства архитектуры // Архитектура и культура. Материалы Всесоюзной научной конференции ВНИИТАГ. Часть II. М., 1990. С. 4-9.

937. Психология и архитектура. Тезисы научной конференции в Лохусалу. Ч.1-2. Таллинн, 1983.

938. Степанов А.В., Иванова Г. И., Нечаев Н.Н. Архитектура и психология. М., 1993.

939. Столин В.В. Порождение пространственного образа и зрительное поле // Зрительные образы. Феноменология и эксперимент. Душанбе, 1974.

940. Страутманис И.А. Информативно-эмоциональный потенциал архитектуры. М., 1973.

941. Стригалев А.А. Образные представления в архитектуре // Проблемы теории советской архитектуры. М., 1973.

942. Ткачиков И.Н. Архитектурная психология. Киев, 1980.

943. Федоров В.В., Коваль И.М. Мифосимволизм архитектуры. М., 2006.

944. Хмельницкий Д. Архитектура Сталина. Психология и стиль. М., 2007.

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